Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Junior Olympics

Hi sailors! First of all, awesome job to everyone who went to McCurdy Cup! With tiebreakers, varsity came in 3rd and junior varsity was fifth. Things went very smoothly with no coaches, so thanks to everyone for being organized and sailing fast!

This weekend is junior olympics at Seattle Yacht Club. There is a laser class which I know some people are planning on participating in. I also emailed Brian Ledbetter from SYC to find out if there is the possibility of sailing vanguards. Either way, we should have quite a few people going down to sail lasers who will need drivers and a place to stay. I will most likely be going and can drive five, including myself. There is also a clinic at SYC on friday to help sailors learn about the tricky current at shilshole. I think it would be really good for everyone going to the regatta to also try to attend the clinic. If we do that we would leave friday morning or afternoon and return sunday evening. More details about the regatta and the clinic can be found here in the NOR: http://www.nwyrc.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012-Junior-Olympics-Notice-of-Race-and-Registration.pdf

This email is mostly to gauge who wants to attend the regatta and the clinic, if we have any potential drivers, and if anyone knows of a place to stay. I apologize for how last minute it is, and I hope that we can still have a good turnout! I will send out another email as soon as I get a response from Brian Ledbetter regarding the vanguards. For now, it would be great if anyone interested emailed or called me so I can answer any questions and start planning. My phone number is (360) 325-2632.
- Elsa

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