Thursday, February 20, 2025

Meeting Today, Thurs. Feb. 20th at 6pm at BYC

Good morning everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we are meeting at 6pm in the Ward Room (downstairs room) at BYC this evening for our beginning-of-spring-season meeting.

We will be going over the spring schedule, expectations, and more.

Please let me know if you cannot make it but still intend to join the team, or if you have any questions. 

We hope to see you there tonight!

Anna and Cooper

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Interest Meeting Next Thursday, Feb. 20th at 6pm

Good evening,

Just a quick reminder that we are having a Whatcom Sailing interest meeting a week from today, on Thursday, Feb. 20th at 6pm in the downstairs of the BYC.

Registration and the schedule are both live on the website, but we will be going over schedule details in person at the meeting.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the meeting or registration!


Monday, February 3, 2025

Spring Sailing 2025

Good morning sailors and families,

We are excited to announce the schedule for the Spring 2025 sailing season.

On Thursday, Feb 20th, we will have our High School Sailing Pre-Season meeting, 6pm @ The Bellingham Yacht Club downstairs.  This meeting is for both parents and students who plan to be on the team or are interested in learning more about it. The team is open to all high schoolers in Whatcom County and 8th graders with racing experience. We have many important topics to cover at the meeting including practice and regatta schedules and expectations.

It will also be a good meeting to attend for new sailors interested in joining the team, so please encourage anyone interested to be there.  

Spring 2025 Practice and Regatta schedule are posted on the website:

First practice is Thursday, February 27th @ 3:45 at the Bellingham Yacht Club. 

Team fees are $350 fee + $35 pinnie deposit = $385 for the spring season. As always, we don't want these fees to stop anyone from participating so please let us know if you need financial assistance. Also, if you aren't sure if you should pay the pinnie deposit, let us know. We have a list of which sailors kept their pinnies at the end of fall.

Registration is now available on the website.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Please note: Our spring mailing list will be based off of registration, so please be sure to register using email addresses you can access easily and check frequently.

ALSO, all high schoolers (not 8th grade) must do the required sports clearance with your school on Final Forms.  This is an online process on your school's website:

A sports physical is required, so get that scheduled ASAP if you do not have a current physical on file.  

Registration and school clearance is required before you can practice. For a list of everything that is required see the Join Page of our website.  Attached is the sailor packet with more information.

We will go over all this in more detail at the meeting, but feel free to contact us if you have questions!

Hope to see you soon.

Anna and Cooper

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Fall End-of-Season Party Nov. 14

Good evening,

We are excited to celebrate the fall sailing season with you all!

Thank you to all of the sailors who came to practice last week with their availability and ideas for the end-of-season party. As we discussed at practice, the Fall End-of-Season Party is a potluck this Thursday, November 14th from 5:00-7:00pm at Bellingham Yacht Club in the upstairs bar room. 
Apologies for getting this email out so late. 

We have also been approved to use the upstairs of the yacht club! Thank you to Ajax's parents Jayna and Andy Neumann for their help with yacht club logistics. We will be doing a potluck, so anyone bringing food please sign up on this list:

Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you Thursday night. :)


Anna and Cooper

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Last week of practice + End of season party + Turkey Bowl

Hi Everyone,

This is the last week of practice for the season. Due to the limited daylight, practice will end at 5:30 PM on both days.  

Typically for the end of fall season we have a potluck in the downstairs of the BYC, and then for the end of spring when the weather is a little nicer we do a potluck at a sailor's family's house. We will be asking sailors this week about a good date to do this end-of-season potluck as each sailor will get to be recognized so it is important we pick a time and day that most can make it. It will likely be a weekday evening in the next few weeks.

Turkey Bowl (NOV 23 - 24) is a one-off regatta hosted by CYC Seattle. I'm going to be putting together a team like last year. Sailors have the option of sailing FJs, Lasers, or Optis. This regatta is non rotational, so sailors are spending the entire day out on the water being coached by me in a powerboat. Let me know if you are interested in learning more or attending. 

Find out more about Turkey Bowl here.


Friday, November 1, 2024

Re: Trick or Treat Regatta NOV 2nd and 3rd @Anacortes

Couple of updates for the weekend.

Sailors -  Ajax, Atticus, Avery, Bella, Dawson, Emmett, Finn, Grace, Hans, Marin, Max, Oscar, Oz, Tristan, and Tyce (15 Sailors).

Wetsuits are required for everyone. This is an Anacortes Waterfront Alliance rule and they take it seriously. Please also bring extra dry clothes and rain gear. 

Pizza will be our group lunch this weekend. Additionally, the regular morning fare like bananas, oranges, fruit bars, OJ, and hot chocolate. No lunch fee. Thank you Lorena for organizing! 

I'll see everyone tomorrow at 8:45AM.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 2:41 PM Whatcom Sailing Coaches <> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for getting this email out so late. We were originally only allowed to send 6 sailors, but now we can send more. Also it is now a two-day 2v2 Team Race regatta, instead of a one day clinic and one day regatta. 

Sailors -  Ajax, Atticus, Avery, Axel, Bella, Dawson, Emmett, Finn, Grace, Hans, Marin, Max, Oscar, Oz, Tristan, and Tyce (16 Sailors).

Drivers - Neuman (4), Norwood (1), Vondrell (3), Hatch (3), Cooper (3 and towing) (14 Spots).    

We need a couple more spots, let me know if you can drive. Please note that we plan to drive back to Bham on Saturday night. 

Fees - No registration fee. 

Housing - No housing, planning on driving back to Bham on Saturday night 

Venue - Seafarers Memorial Park (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)

Waiver - Anacortes Waterfront Alliance waiver. Everyone needs to sign this!  

Coach - Cooper (360) 815-9941

Saturday, 26 Oct
0845 Meet at Sehome Haggens (Haggen, 210 36th St, Bellingham, WA 98225)
1000 Report time (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)

Sunday, 27 Oct
0745 Meet at Sehome Haggens (Haggen, 210 36th St, Bellingham, WA 98225)
0930 Report time (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)
1500 No Races After 

Let me know if you have any questions


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Trick or Treat Regatta NOV 2nd and 3rd @Anacortes

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for getting this email out so late. We were originally only allowed to send 6 sailors, but now we can send more. Also it is now a two-day 2v2 Team Race regatta, instead of a one day clinic and one day regatta. 

Sailors -  Ajax, Atticus, Avery, Axel, Bella, Dawson, Emmett, Finn, Grace, Hans, Marin, Max, Oscar, Oz, Tristan, and Tyce (16 Sailors).

Drivers - Neuman (4), Norwood (1), Vondrell (3), Hatch (3), Cooper (3 and towing) (14 Spots).    

We need a couple more spots, let me know if you can drive. Please note that we plan to drive back to Bham on Saturday night. 

Fees - No registration fee. 

Housing - No housing, planning on driving back to Bham on Saturday night 

Venue - Seafarers Memorial Park (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)

Waiver - Anacortes Waterfront Alliance waiver. Everyone needs to sign this!  

Coach - Cooper (360) 815-9941

Saturday, 26 Oct
0845 Meet at Sehome Haggens (Haggen, 210 36th St, Bellingham, WA 98225)
1000 Report time (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)

Sunday, 27 Oct
0745 Meet at Sehome Haggens (Haggen, 210 36th St, Bellingham, WA 98225)
0930 Report time (601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)
1500 No Races After 

Let me know if you have any questions
